Alternative School Photo 2022 – Booking Now Open
I originally invented what I called “the School Photo Do-Over” after my own son’s school photo came back with a skin tone of a Wotsit! But this year I’m renaming it as the ‘Alternative School Photo” because I’ve found the majority of parents coming in for this now aren’t doing so because the school photo came out they’re always planned to come to me instead.
In 2022 the sessions will be taking place the week commencing 19th September – I have added some extra slots this year as it always sells out!
Each session is only 15 minutes long but allows enough time for me to give the same care and attention to detail that I would for any other portrait and you’ll be there too to make sure their hair is brushed etc. And the aim is to provide you with 3-5 images to choose from rather than the usual single image that the school’s offer
About 2 weeks after the session when I have fully retouched the images, you receive a link to an online gallery where you can view the selection of images from the shoot so that you can choose your favourites as either prints or digital downloads. You will receive your session fee back as a credit towards these purchases. The booking deposit is £8. (unchanged from 2021)
These sessions have proved to be exceedingly popular selling out usually within couple of days of them becoming available.
Booking is now open but 40% of all slots were taking by people on the early bird list so they are selling fast!
Or book below